National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitats(R)
This year, Rose Valley residents, organizations, and Borough Council will be working together to become a National Wildlife Federation Community Wildlife Habitat™.
To be a certified as a Community Wildlife Habitat™, Rose Valley Borough, organizations, and residents will work together to earn Habitat Certification Points.
Residents and organizations must collectively accumulate 40 Habitat Certification Points for the borough to qualify. We accumulate points by certifying our property as a Certified Wildlife Habitat(R). Each certified property earns a different number of points based on its use: K-12 schools earn 5, common areas (public parks, HOA common areas) earn 3, and private residences earn 1. Properties that have already been certified count toward the required points. Those certified more than 15 years ago must be verified.

See below for information on the 5 requirements to become certified. You also can download the NWF Garden Certification Walk-through Checklist to refer to as you prepare your property for certification.
When you are ready to certify, visit the National Wildlife Federation website.

This form is intended only for Rose Valley, PA residents or representatives of organizations located in Rose Valley, PA. Information provided by participants on this form will be used only for the purposes of attaining the Community Wildlife Habitat™ Certification and tracking Rose Valley Borough's progress toward that goal. If you would like to participate in the project, but you cannot or would rather not use this form, feel free to email your name, address, and certification status to the Rose Valley EAC here.