Rose Valley Preserves
Nature Photography Contest

This summer, the Rose Valley EAC and Rose Valley Next 100 Committee are sponsoring a nature photography contest.
Winners will have their photographs used on the soon-to-come EAC pages of the Borough's website with credit. They will also be featured with credit in social media posts by the Rose Valley EAC.
Email your entries to next100@rosevalleyeac.org by September 4th. Winners will be selected and announced by October 1st.
Rules for entry:
Three entries per person, one photo per entry
Photos must feature an element of nature as their main
focus. -
Photos may contain people, but only if permission is given by those pictured.
Photos must be taken in one of Rose Valley's public spaces.
Winners will be selected from each of the following categories:
Fungus and Moss
Ridley Creek
People in nature