Here is some news from October's Borough Council meeting:
1) The recycling bids were opened, and the Borough will be returning to recycling pickup every week in 2022 and switching from Mascaro back to B&L Services.
2) The EAC will hold a work weekend in the Saul Wildlife Preserve October 23 and 24.
3) Stephanie Middleton reviewed last week’s Planning Commission meeting noting the following points concerning the Commission’s continuing exploration of the feasibility of a 4-foot-wide walking path along Rose Valley Road from Possum Hollow to the train station:
a) If a homeowner does not want to grant an easement so the walking path can be safely set back from the road, people will have to walk in the PennDOT right-of-way across that property.
b) The Borough will not use eminent domain to obtain easements.
c) Homeowners who grant the Borough as easement will not be required to maintain the walking path or remove snow and ice and would be shielded from liability by state law.
d) There will be no flashing stop signs.
e) A hardscape surface, such as bluestone pavers, would be required in the Vernon Run flood plain on either side of Old Mill Lane because looser material would be washed away in a big storm.
f) No additional lighting will be required; the streetlights are sufficient.
4) Judy Voet resigned her Council seat at the end of the meeting because she is moving. Anyone interested in being appointed to fill this vacancy is invited to submit a resume at the office or to