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Veterans Day in Rose Valley
Our Veterans will be honored at a brief ceremony, 9am, Thursday, November 11. The ceremony will be held at the Borough flag pole located...
Rose Valley Road Closed on 11/6
On November 6, the William L. Price Historical Marker is going to be unveiled. Rose Valley Road is going to be closed between Possum...

Borough Council Mtg News
Here is some news from October's Borough Council meeting: 1) The recycling bids were opened, and the Borough will be returning to...

John Ruskin to William Lightfoot Price Celebration 11/6 & 11/7
A two-day celebration of the English and American pioneers of the Arts & Crafts Movement and the 1901 Community of Rose Valley. Public...

Saul Wildlife Preserve Stewardship Weekend 10/23 & 10/24
Saul Wildlife Preserve Stewardship Weekend The Rose Valley EAC invites all Friends of the Wildlife Preserves to come out to help on the...

Kona Ice Fundraiser
Join us at the Helen Kate Furness Free Library to support and raise money!

Memorial Day in Rose Valley
MEMORIAL DAY IN ROSE VALLEY Monday, May 31 Our National Colors will be raised at 9am on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, then lowered to...
Cinderella at the Hedgerow Theatre Children's Theatre
Beginning Saturday, May 22-June 6, 2021 Hedgerow Theatre Children's Theatre at the Barn series will feature Cinderella. Join Cinderella...

Child Car Seat Safety Check
FREE CHILD CAR SEAT SAFETY CHECK IS YOUR CAR SEAT SAFE? The Pennsylvania State Police Media Barracks invites you to our Child Car Seat...
Borough Council Meeting (5/12)
Topic: Rose Valley Borough Council Time: May 12, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
Planning Commission Meeting (6/3)
Join Zoom Meeting | Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 7:30. Meeting ID: 819 7427 8393 One tap mobile...
Give & Groove
On Saturday, May 15 at 6:00 p.m., the Board of Trustees will host Give & Groove, an adult-only, under-the-stars concert and fundraiser,...
Providence Gardeners
The Providence Gardeners are having a Plant Sale on May 3. This year it is being held outside at the Wallingford Presbyterian Church...
Hedgerow Theatre
Join us for Children's Theatre at the Barn for a performance of Hansel and Gretel Saturday, May 1st at 10 AM and Sunday, May 2nd at 1 PM....

Environmental Advisory Council Meeting
Topic: Rose Valley Environmental Advisory Council Meeting Time: Apr 27, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting...

Hedgerow Theatre Happenings
Starting Saturday, April 10th, Hedgerow Theatre will be presenting Children's Theatre at the Barn Saturdays at 10 AM and Sunday at 1 PM....

Borough Council Meeting
Topic: Rose Valley Borough Council Meeting Time: Apr 14, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting...

Planning Commission Meeting
The agenda for the Thursday, April 1 Planning Commission meeting at 7:30 pm via Zoom is: Approve February 4 minutes. Bob Thomas:...

Environmental Advisory Council Meeting
We will be using Zoom to hold the Rose Valley Environmental Advisory Council Meeting on 03/23/21. Please see the meeting details below....
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