Here is some news from Wednesday’s Borough Council meeting.
1) Council approved the proposed budget for 2022 which is now posted on the Borough website and available for viewing in the Borough Office. The $415,965 budget calls for a 10 percent increase in Borough taxes primarily due to recycling costs increasing from $41,832 to $55,000, appropriations from capital reserves decreasing from $37,832 to $26,696, and general inflation. The Borough has previously not raised taxes for many years as it returned to taxpayers capital reserves remaining from the time the Borough owned the Rose Valley Sewer System and Sewage Treatment Plant, which were transferred to DELCORA. The budget will be further discussed and finalized at a special meeting of Council on December 14.
2) Joe Hare was appointed by Council to fill the unexpired term of Councilperson Judy Voet. Joe has served as Treasurer for many years, has a solid financial background and knows QuickBooks well.
3) The Treasurer position is now vacant and needs to be filled at the regular Council meeting on December 8. The personnel committee has identified a strong candidate from Long Point who works as a banker who would provide a much-needed voice at the Council table for the Long Point neighborhood. However, anyone else interested in being appointed Treasurer is invited to submit a resume at the office or to The Treasurer is not an elected position and does not have a vote on Council.